Editor's NotesWelcome to the February 1998 issue of The Amiga Monitor! That has a particularly nice ring to it, because (as you may have noticed if you've been following AM lately), it is quite a departure from the way things have been lately, and a very welcome one at that, as far as we're concerned. Our last three issues have been two-month issues. We weren't pleased about having to do that, but time and resources were simply too short and too few to do anything more. Now, however, we are sincerely attempting to return to the purely monthly scheme. This issue is the first sign of that effort. There are a few matters I would like to address before you proceed onward to the Table of Contents. First of all, I am aware of the current long-standing problem with my CompuServe account (MikeWebb@CompuServe.COM), and I am trying to clear out the accumulated load of mail. However, I still have to make an hour's trip to get to the computer with all my CompuServe mail on it, and it is taking quite some time to process everything. I hope to resolve the situation soon and take steps to prevent it from recurring; but I just wanted to reiterate this for all who have sent me mail, and are patiently awaiting a response. Let me promise simply that if I received your message, and if it warrants a reply, I will reply. It may take time, but I will reply. On the subject of mail, thanks to all who wrote in in response to my A4000T review from last month. To those who offered helpful hints on the various problems I addressed, I will get to your messages as soon as possible. As you may notice from the left-side link palette, however, it turned out that there was a bit more A4000T to review! Over the last few weeks, I thought of a few areas I should have addressed in the review, and added some segments to this issue accordingly. Therefore, the entire A4000T review is in AM2_5-AM2_6, and this, AM2_7. In addition, I would once again like to call your attention to the AM Reader Poll below. Thanks to those who responded; to everybody else, again, I ask that if you have an opinion on the subject of America Online and the Amiga, please take a look at the poll, and send in a response. Every little bit has the potential to make a difference, whatever difference it is we attempt to make in the long run. It depends on where the poll goes. We have the results so far listed as well. Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. Have a good month, and I hope you enjoy this, our return to a true monthly publishing schedule. Michael Webb |
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your Amigas...
Just as a quick introduction, there were a few areas I either didn't have time, or simply forgot, to cover in my A4000T review in the last issue. Therefore, I'm including a few additional sections here, and the entire review can be found in both AM2_5-AM2_6 and this, AM2_7.
Michael Webb
The Amiga Monitor: 1996-1998, Excelsior Digital Publishing The Amiga Monitor's home site is at URL http://ourworld.compuserve.com/HomePages/MikeWebb/