You can have The Amiga Monitor delivered to you via e-mail, or you can be notified when a new issue is available. There are currently four lists; send e-mail to (please check The AM Link Redirection Page for an up-to-date e-mail address first if possible, but otherwise use this address) in which specify the list(s) you would like to join:
If we successfully receive and process your request, you will receive notification that you have been added to a list. If you do not receive a response within two weeks, please check to see that your correct e-mail address is included with the message, and resend your request.
Our Publisher sends the AM archives out through his mailbox enough times each month without it coming in several times as well. Please make his life a little easier, and do your best to prevent bouncebacks:
Depending on the error message specified in the bounced-back message, we may automatically remove an address from a list upon receiving a bounceback.
We are currently many months behind in the conversion of HTML to AmigaGuide. We intend to correct this problem, but for now, consider this if you are trying to decide which list(s) to join.