By Paul Somerfeldt, Contributing Editor, See staff list for e-mail address
Editor's Note: See the poll for more information.
And the results for this month are:
Systems: 1000 0 0.00% 500 2 5.71% 2000 6 17.14% 2500 0 0.00% 3000 7 20.00% 3000T 1 2.86% 600 0 0.00% 1200 7 20.00% 4000 11 31.43% 4000T 1 2.86% CPU: 68000 0 0.00% 68020 1 2.86% 68030 13 37.14% 68040 13 37.14% 68060 8 22.86% 604e 1 2.86%
(Since the PPC chip requires a 680x0 chip to run AmigaOS, it is included only to show trends. In this case, the user also has a 68060 chip.)
OS: 1.0 0 0.00% 1.1 0 0.00% 1.2 0 0.00% 1.3 0 0.00% 2.0 0 0.00% 2.1 0 0.00% 3.0 7 20.00% 3.1 28 80.00% RAM: Megabytes 1 - 10 6 17.14% 11 - 20 14 40.00% 21 - 30 4 11.43% 31 - 40 4 11.43% 41 - 50 3 8.57% 51 - 60 0 0.00% 61 - 70 2 5.71% 71 - 80 0 0.00% 81 - 90 1 2.86% 91 - 100 0 0.00% More than 100 1 2.86% Average 28 Smallest 6 Largest 130 Connect Speed: 14.4 5 14.29% 28.8 8 22.86% 33.6 12 34.29% 56K 5 14.29% ISDN 3 8.57% 10Base-T 1 2.86%
(One user did not include a modem speed.)
Country: Australia 1 2.86% Canada 1 2.86% Germany 3 8.57% Japan 1 2.86% UK 4 11.43% USA 25 71.43% AOL Subscriber: Yes 7 20.00% No 28 80.00% How connect to AOL: Clone 3 42.86% Mac 0 0.00% Clone Emulator 1 14.29% Mac Emulator 3 42.86% Would join AOL: Yes 10 35.71% No 17 60.71% No Response 1 3.57% Online Machine: Amiga 26 74.29% Clone 5 14.29% Mac 1 2.86% Sun 1 2.86% Other System 1 2.86% No Response 1 2.86%
(Other system is undefined by the respondent.)
Use another Online Service: No 28 80.00% CompuServe 3 8.57% Delphi 1 2.86% Genie 2 5.71% MSN 1 2.86% Mindspring 1 2.86%
(The Mindspring user is also a CompuServe user.)
Should there be a version of AOL for the Amiga: Yes 22 62.86% No 2 5.71% Don't Care 11 31.43% Worth it for AOL to make an AOL for Amiga: Yes 17 48.57% No 5 14.29% Don't Know 12 34.29% No Response 1 2.89%=============
This time I will not editorialize. :)
Well, except to say that the response is a bit lower than I expected. There has been less than one response per day, indicating that there may not be as much enthusiasm for this service among Amiga users as these stats indicate.