CFC Hours

Joining CFC




Nutrition Analysis



Fitness Classes

Learning Fitness



Entry to Facilities and Programs
- You must present a valid, Cornell issued photo I.D. card to gain access to facilities and programs unless otherwise specified.
- In the event that you do not have your valid, Cornell issued photo I.D. card, you may present an alternate phot I.D. card up to three times per semester. These occurences will be tracked and you will not be allowed access once the three exceptions have been granted.
- If you do not have a photo I.D. you will not be allowed in the facility or program.
Clothing and Gear
- Shirt, shorts, tank-tops, sports bras, and sweat pants are acceptable workout attire. NO jeans or jean shorts are permitted. Excessively loose fitting clothing presents a safety hazard to you or others and is not permitted. Clothing not classified as "workout attire" i.e. khaki shorts, pants, etc may be deemed unacceptable by the fitness staff due to rivets, buckles or other items on the garmet. These items will damage upholstery and equipment. If a fitness staff deems your attire unacceptable you will be asked to change. If you do not have acceptable attire to change into, you will not be permitted to remain in the facility or program.
- CLEAN, DRY, CLOSED-TOP SHOES ARE REQUIRED at all times in the facility of program unless otherwise directed. Athletic shoes are most appropriate for use in the facilities and programs. Sandals or open-top shoes are not permitted. Street shoes or boots that are not deemed potentially damaging to the facility or equipment are permitted. If your shoes are deemed potentially damaging to the facility or equipment, you will be asked to change. If you do not have acceptable shoes to change into, you will not be permitted to remain in the facility or program.
- No hats are to be worn while on benches or padded surfaces.
- STOW your personal belongings in the cubby, secure valuables in coin lockers, and put your wet footwear in the Shoe Valet area. Bags must be stored and not brought onto the fitness floor. Free, day-use lockers are available at Helen Newman and Teagle Hall. You must provide your own lock and remove it when you leave.
Food and Drinks
- Food is not allowed in the facilities or programs.
- Drinks must be in re-sealable PLASTICS CONTAINERS. No glass containers are allowed.
- WE DO NOT ALLOW GUM in the facilities or programs due to potential choking hazards and clean up.
Personal Contact
- You are expected to act in a courteous and respectful manner while utilizing the CFC facilities and programs. You are required to follow the instruction of the fitness staff at all times.
- RETURN EQUIPMENT and RE-RACK WEIGHTS when you have finished using them.
- Please refain from spitting in the drinking fountains.
Equipment Usage
- Clips or Collars are required when lifting loaded barbells.
- SIGN UPS: Some cardio stations have sign-up sheets on clipboards. The policies for these sign-ups are posted at the facilites. You must follow these policies.
- MISUSE OF EQUIPMENT can result in injury and/or damage to the equipment. You must follow directions and instructions at all times. Ask for assistance from the fitness staff if you are unfamiliar with equipment. Fitness staff will require you to alter your exercise if any use is deemed inappropriate or un-safe. Abuse of equipment may result in your being asked to leave the facility or your membership being revoked.
- TOWELS: CFC provides workout towels in all facilities and some programs. Members are required to wipe any sweat off machine after use. You must RETURN these towels to the designated collection point BEFORE leaving the facility of program. If a towel becomes too soiled to continue use, you may return it and get a clean one at any time.
- PHONE and STEREO are to be operate by the fitness staff only.
- You may request a pre-activity screening tool to help you determine whether you should check with your health care provider before becoming more physically active. If you answer yes to one or more questions, you are advised to talk to your physician BEFORE you start exercising more. If you answer yes to one or more questions, it is also necessary for you to notify one of the professional staff in Room 305 of Helen Newman Hall to further discuss any potential risk involved with your participation in physical activity. Phone numbers are available on the back cover of this handbook.
Feedback or questions? E-mail us at fitness@cornell.edu
Copyright © 2002, Cornell Fitness Centers and Cornell University. No logos, photographs, or graphics on this site may be reproduced without written permission.
All rights reserved.